International Fraud Awareness Week

Later this year, from November 13 - November 19, 2022, International Fraud Awareness Week will be held. Globally, International Fraud Awareness Week is observed during the third week of November. This awareness week is a part of a global effort to reduce the amount fraud by advocating for anti-fraud awareness and education. According to Occupational Fraud 2022: A Report to the Nations, companies lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenue as a result of fraud.

Fraud is an intentional act of deceiving someone to obtain an unlawful or unfair gain. Fraudulent activity can manifest in various forms including: consumer fraud, corporate fraud, healthcare fraud, identity theft, romance scams, tax fraud, and voter fraud. As technology has become more complicated and prevalent, fraud has become more difficult to detect and to track. Fraud schemes occur in every aspect of human life and schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

For more information about International Fraud Awareness Week visit:


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