Documentary Examines Sexual Assault Cases on College Campuses

 In 2015, the documentary The Hunting Ground was released.  The documentary focuses on how sexual assault cases are handled on various college campuses in the United States.  The Hunting Ground was written and directed by Kirby Dick and produced by Amy Ziering. 

Students who have endured sexual assaults from colleges and universities including Harvard Law School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Florida State University were interviewed for the documentary.  The Hunting Ground covers topics such as Title IX legislation, institutional cover-ups, and retaliation that victims face for coming forward with sexual assault charges.

Additional information from The Hunting Ground includes:

* More than 16% of female college students become the victims of sexual assault.

* 88% of women who are sexually assaulted on college campuses do not report that they have been assaulted.

* In 2012, 45% of colleges/universities reported no incidents of sexual assault.

* The percentage of false rape reports on college campuses is between 2% - 8%.

* Less than 8% of men commit 90% of sexual assaults on campus.

* Repeat offenders commit on average 6 or more rapes.

* 26% of alleged rapes reported to campus police lead to an arrest.  Of those arrested, 20% were prosecuted.

* Less than 4% of college students are student-athletes; however, student athletes commit 19% of sexual assaults.

For more information about The Hunting Ground documentary visit:


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