Body & Soul exhibit displays figurative and spiritual traditions

Several months ago I visited the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts. The gallery displayed an exhibition called Body & Soul, which featured artwork of primarily African American artists working in the figurative and spiritual forms of artistic expression. During the month of February the gallery had selections from several artists including: Walter Clark, Jeff Chandler, Fern Cunningham, Fritz Ducheine, Karen Eutemey, Keitha L. Hassell, Jennifer Hughes, Lou Jones, Paul Goodnight, Ekua Holmes, L’Merchie Frazier, Lolita Parker Jr., Sabrina Pilet Jones, Hakim Raquib, and photos by Alex Rivest from Blue Kitabu Projects.

The various artists featured at the exhibit incorporated a variety of visual techniques to convey their messages of artistic expression. Jeff Chandler, who is a self-taught sculptor, illustrates themes of relationships between mother & child, man & woman, and man & nature. Keitha L. Hassell, a Boston based photographer, focuses her work on subjects ranging from landscapes & cityscapes to portraits & events. Euka Holmes, a painter and collage artist, began her career in 1980 as a graphic designer. A graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art, Holmes was selected as Boston’s 2010 First Night Button designer.

Fern Cunningham studied sculpture at Fontainebleau in France. Cunningham also earned a BFA in sculpture from Boston University. Coleman sculpted the 1999 Harriet Tubman Monument which is located in the South End of Boston. On display at the gallery was an example of Coleman’s Tubman statue. “I always say the gift is the obsession. It means that you can’t stop doing this thing… all we know is we have to keep doing it and we have to do whatever it takes to maintain our ability to do it,” Cunningham says about pursuing her artistic passion. The Body & Soul exhibition portrayed the diverse artistic abilities of several Boston area artists. I look forward to future displays at the Bunker Hill Art Gallery.


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